Home Stock Market The company distributed 15% cash dividend in 2021 and 85% stock dividend in 2019 to its shareholders chronologically

The company distributed 15% cash dividend in 2021 and 85% stock dividend in 2019 to its shareholders chronologically

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Guardian Life Insurance Limited declared a 15% cash dividend for its shareholders for 2022 at its 10th Annual General Meeting (AGM). This is the reflection of Guardian Life’s ongoing efforts to maximize shareholders’ value, which has prompted the outstanding business performance of the company since its establishment.

The company distributed 15% cash dividend in 2021 and 85% stock dividend in 2019 to its shareholders chronologically. Since its inception in 2013, Guardian Life Insurance, a fourth-generation life insurance company sponsored by Apex, Brac, and Square, has been demonstrating consistent growth across all financial indicators.

Securing investments of Tk407 crore and maintaining Compound Average Growth Rate (CAGR) of 25% in the life fund, 21% in gross premium and 26% in assets are a few noteworthy indicators to mention. The company is rooted in a solid financial base which is reflected in its AA3 credit rating from the Credit Rating Agency of Bangladesh (CRAB). These remarkable achievements are outcomes of strategic vision, prudent decision-making and the relentless pursuit of excellence set forth by the team.

Guardian Life is well reputed for its fairness and promptness in claim settlement, which, in accumulated monetary term, stood at Tk1,500 crore till date with a claim payout ratio of 98%. The company is headed towards its mission of becoming a role model in terms of good governance and reliable services.

Source: Dhaka Tribune

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